A long time ago i've made at the 30 days nail challenge a paint splatter nail art/ graffiti nail art. There was already a few times asked if i wanted to make a step by step about this nail art and ofcourse i want that! So here it comes.
Wat je nodig hebt/ What you will need:
- Witte nagellak / white nailpolish
- 3 of 4 verschillende kleuren nagellak / 3 or 4 different colors of nailpolish
- een bakje / a little container
- nagellakremover / Nailpolish remover
- tandenborstel / toothbrush
Eerst lak je je nagels met een basecoat en als dat droog is lak je je nagels wit.
First you polish your nails with a basecoat and after it's completely dried you polish your nails white.
Step 2
Bij die nagellak doe je een heeeeeel klein beetje nagellak remover. Echt een heel klein beetje anders droogt de nagellak niet meer.
Now you take your little container and you drip a few drops of your bright nailpolish into your container. I've used pink. At that nailpolish you put a veeeeeery little bit of nail polish remover. Really a little bit, because if it's too much, the nail polish won't dry anymore.
Nu pak je je tandenborstel en daarmee mix je de nagellak goed met de nagellak remover. Als je dat gedaan hebt, pak je de borstel beet zoals je ziet op de foto en spetter daarmee kleine spetters nagellak op je nagel.
Now you take your toothbrush and with your toothbrush you mix the nailpolish very carefully with the nailpolish remover. If you have done that, you grab your brush like you see in the picture and with that you spletter some little spetters on your nails.
Herhaal stap 3 met nog meer kleurtjes. En dan alleen nog een topcoat en je bent klaar!
Repeat step 3 with even more colors. And you only have to add a topcoat and you're done!
With love,